Monday, March 22, 2010


I am so horrible at keeping this updated! Its been well since before Halloween! Here is a quick over view of what has happened! I moved back to Utah for 4 months during the holidays while William was in training at Corry Station, FL. He did make it home for Christmas though! In February William and I moved to Maryland. Anyway scroll down to see some new posts! I have more coming soon because we went to Medieval times!

Washington DC

We got the amazing opportunity to go to Washington DC! It doesn't help that we only live 35 minutes away! We are definetly going to go again!


So we moved to Maryland! So far away! And yes we drove ALL the way across the USA! Long drive but it was fun!


My entire family got together for Christmas! This is a monumental event! I don't remember the last time this happened! We had so much fun together!