Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just an update...

A normal night in the Robbins household includes playing with the cat, making dinner, and reading...

A few updates on Dexter! He is just over a year old now and about 3 times the size he was when we got him. He has grown so much! When he is not playing he is either napping or begging for attention. He is expecially loving right after he wakes up! He loves to be scratched on his face and he gets really hyper at night just before dinner and bed!

This is Dexter chasing the laser pointer! He loves chasing that little red dot!

DC Trip!

We had the opportunity to go back to DC while William's friend was in town! These are just a few of the many pictures taken! We were able to stay longer and see more things this trip! We walked the entire mall and only were able to walk through a hand full of all the museums!

This was taken at the botanical gardens! I have never seen so many different kinds of plants! It was amazing!
The capitol building!

The Freedom Bell! I learned that it is a replica of the liberty bell! However, it is smaller in size!

Of course! The famous Washington Monument! Which is unfortunately closed to the public now, because of cracks made by the earth quack.

The original Smithsonian!

Blarr's Birthday

William's friend Blarr Cureton came out to visit at the beginning of the August. On his first day here we suprised him with a birthday party! These are just a few of the pictures...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Month #2

Ok, so no pictures this month and there is also no stats this month sorry guys! In fact I did not work out at all last month because of my dental surgeries, I had four last month. I do have some good news though, because of my soft food diet from the surgeries I lost 10 pounds during the month of february so I still call it a win!!! I do have two more root canals to go through and then my surgeries will finally be over, so there is an end. I am hoping to get back into my workout routine this month.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Movie Night

So, for my reward for losing 5 pounds I got to go to the movies. I chose to go see Black Swan, I thought that it was pretty good but William did not think that it was that good. Sorry this is a few days late but I just remembered to put it up.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Month #1!

Month #1 down and 11 months to go!


Weight: Lost 5 pounds
Push ups: 0
Sit Ups: 18
1 Mile Run: 15minutes and 15 seconds

I think I did pretty good this month! My sit ups went up by 8! That is almost doubled! And my 1 mile run went down by 1 minute and 18 seconds!!! I was on a treadmill this time so I don't know if that is why my run time is so much better but I am still happy about it! This means that I get to receive my small reward for this month, which is going to be going to the movies!!! I will make sure that I post pictures!
Although, I did lose my 5 pounds for this month I know that I could have done better. I need to work and push myself harder!

So, I know the pictures pretty much look the exact same but it is only a 5 pound loss you cannot expect a huge difference quite yet! LOL

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


William recieved his first stripe in Brazillion Jui Jitsu last night! He worked really hard to get this! I am so proud of you Honey!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Before Pics

It is officially 2011 and my new workout routine has started. This month I am doing the P90X workout and watching what I eat. I have done my first fit test and to say the least I am disapointed with my results. I finally realize how unfit I truely am. Lets just say it was a real eye opener. My results are not that great and my run was more of a walk which means I have a long way to go but I am bound and determined to lose this weight and this is just the beginning.

Results from my fit test are as follows:
Push-Ups: 0
Sit-Ups: 10
1 Mile Run: 16min 33sec

Pictures are below...