Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Night in with Mom

Mom and I decided to stay in all day... We watched Bones and made some food. Then we went to the dollar theater and watched Valkyrie. It was really fun lazy day.


Shelly said...

Oh how fun! I love those days to just hang out in the house all day. It's fun sometimes. How is Valkerie (sp?) It looks pretty interesting, I saw the show on the History channel about that. BTW-super impressed that you updated your blog! Love to see those new pics! Keep 'em coming!

Shelly said...

BTW, I love Bones, it's a good show!

Xander Man said...

You know Bones has the guy that was on Buffy the Vampire, he played Angel and is SUPER HOT! Kudos for the update...but now I am jealous that I need a night with my mom:(

Joyce said...

I can't believe you put that disgusting picture on your blog for the whole world to see. Not fair!!!